
Showing posts with the label soldering


Within a printed circuit board electronics manufacturing process, there are a variety of stages. However, it is indispensable for them all to work collectively to develop a built-in process. An individual phase of assembly and manufacturing needs to be well-matched with the next, and there need to be comments from the output to the next phase to make sure that the best is maintained. In this way, any issue can be detected instantly and the system can be adjusted as per requirement. PCB assembly Process Overview All the phases involved in the PCB assembly processes are mandatory and have to be supervised to make sure that the product is of the best quality. The PCB Assembly described below suggests that the surface mount components are being used as truly all up-to-date before PCB's make use of surface mount technology. Solder paste Before mounting the components on the board, the solder paste is to be applied to the areas of the board, called the component pads. And the so...